Dreamtime ( previously Sweet Dreams)

Dreamtime ( previously Sweet Dreams)

Findhorn Flower Essences

  • $178.00
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用法: 每天3次,每次7滴,滴於舌下。一瓶可用3-4周


Unwind and relax into peaceful sleep

 get more restful sleep

 quiet your mind and calm your body

 wake up rested and refreshed

 disturbed sleeping patterns

 overactive mind and restlessness keep you awake

 out of sync with your internal clock

Dose directions: 7 drops under the tongue, 3 times per day. Each bottle lasts for 3 to 4 weeks.

Sweet Dreams is made by combining flower essences of Birch, Grass of Parnassus, Lady's Mantle, Scottish Primrose, and Valerian.