[ Men's Blend ] Purpose and Drive

[ Men's Blend ] Purpose and Drive

Saskia's Flower Essences

  • $178.00
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不建議晚間服用 (除非你是個夜貓子!)

建議用法:舌下 7 滴,每日兩次或需要時服用

* 本系列針對男性議題而調配,但其應用並不局限於生理男性,任何人士面對以上問題,皆可服用,另本系列 10% 利潤捐贈男性健康計劃及慈善組織 * 

For when you are lacking direction in life, aren’t sure how to move forward or are lacking in energy and confidence.

Finding one’s true purpose in life can be a big challenge, leaving a safe life behind to follow your dreams can be scary, and feeling confident enough in yourself and your abilities can sometimes feel a long way off.

This blend contains essences to help support you as you find and follow your purpose with confidence and determination, overcoming obstacles and tackling problems head on.

Not advised to take in the evening (unless you are a night owl)

Contains the energy imprint of :

Bee Orchid – finding your place in the world 在世界中找到你的位置

Blackberry – fruitful growth 成長

Buttercup – creative confidence 創意自律

Edelweiss - opening to all that is 開放接受

Hornbeam – get up and go 行動力

Nan’s Polyanthus – just do it  減少拖延

Peppermint – clear thinking 清晰思考

Twayblade – leap of faith 信念

Suggested use: Place 7 drops under the tongue twice daily or when needed

 If you don’t identify as male but are drawn to use these essence blends please do … flower essences are not gender specific in any way. However I know many men and boys who are struggling with the issues these blends address and wanted to make essences more accessible for those males who haven’t been drawn to use them before.

10% of all sales of this product will be donated to men’s wellness projects and charities.

Size : 30ml