Breathe Deep, Seek Peace - winding down, letting go

Saskia's Flower Essences

  • $746.00
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2020 THE BEAUTY SHORTLIST Wellbeing Awards Best Better Sleep Product 得主。非常適合在勞累一天後使用,幫助減少憂慮、放鬆、清空頭腦。


用法: 需要時服,舌下七滴;初使用者一天兩至三次

This essence blend is great for taking after a long tiring day when you want to stop worrying, relax and unwind.

To gently but effectively change long standing patterns caused by stress, over-working and a hectic modern lifestyle this essence can be taken twice daily for several weeks. For less entrenched patterns use as and when needed.

Awarded Best Better Sleep Product by The Beauty Shortlist Awards 2020

East Water River - to let go and wash away all those old feelings
Bindweek - for untangling
Oak - stop and be still
Speedwell - slow down
Wild Garlic - universal support/letting go of fears
Red Chestnut - to stop worrying about others
White Chestnut- letting go of unwanted thoughts

Suggested Use:Place seven drops under the tongue when needed

Size: 30ml