Salt + Sea Energy Oracle

GAIA Holistic Living

  • $833.00
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This 50-card oracle deck and guidebook embodies the energy of the ocean and features various topics, including sea creatures, pirate memorabilia, maritime references, and other seaside treasures. Each card within this oracle deck has a unique soul lesson to teach, guiding you towards peace, purpose, and clarity.

RACHEL ROBINO is a metaphysical author from the United States. She’s a spiritual teacher and reiki practitioner whose infinite love for the ocean led her to Aruba. Rachel uses her background knowledge in spiritual and medicinal practices to help others achieve peace and well-being. She hopes to open a wellness retreat in Aruba within the next few years.

FLO HOLDSWORTH is an accomplished young artist from Carnforth, England. She has a wide following on TikTok and Instagram, where her broad artistic talents are recognized by many.

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店長介紹文 💁‍♀️
每次望見這副牌,都覺得它自帶 BGM, 嗯,我果首是 Disney 卡通版 Little Mermaid 主題曲,唔知大家有沒有聽過 " Under the sea, under the sea Darling it's better down where it's wetter ~~
此刻香港人最想要什麼?去旅行!Fresh Air !Positive Energy ! Salt + Sea Energy Deck 是 all of the above,這副海洋主題 Oracle Deck,海藍色望落已經醒神又療癒,50 張卡面都是海洋裡你找到的東西,海星、海豚、水母,還有「你可能想找到的」,人魚、瓶中信、海盜船⋯⋯虛虛實實,想像力澎湃。
它是海洋版 Angel Answers --有留意 Oracle Deck 的朋友可能聽過 Angel Answers 這副經典暢銷的牌,訊息很簡單,如"YES” 、"WAIT",而可能就因為夠直接,很多人都愛用。這副 Salt + Sea 給我的感覺很相似,訊息很明快好懂,大部份都是 action based --如果你真的想要多一點解釋,也可以看 guidebook,本 guidebook 寫得不錯哦好像海洋小百科~
譬如今天翻到 Blue Lobster 🦞️牌,Message 是 Embrace Your Rarity - 原來藍龍蝦是一種 genetic defect, 藍色代表蛋白質過度,200萬隻龍蝦裡面才有一隻 – 抽到這張牌,是海洋(or宇宙 you name it ) 提醒你擁抱自己的獨特性。係咪學到嘢又有啟發!